
On Your Mark, Poshmark!

On Your Mark, Poshmark!

I mentioned in a recent blog post my plan to suffer for fifteen minutes in order to learn how to use the clothes-selling website Poshmark. I heard about it from an employee at Lululemon when I told her I had some old Lulu clothes I was hoping to sell. She talked about "creating a closet" on the site, which was an initial turnoff to me. I barely have a real closet of clothes, much less a desire to create a virtual one. 

Who Could Not Be Happy?

Who Could Not Be Happy?

I strongly resist a challenge or a change, but in reality, these are some of the best things for my heart. I had to deal with Sailor's case of pinworms recently, on top of home renovations that are taking over my space (both physical and mental), and then there were ants in the apartment. In TJ's absence, I had to stand on a chair, spray ant killer all around, and wipe dead ants off the walls.