No Coats On


This is basically why we moved to Greenville, although it isn’t failproof. Today’s weather definitely requires a coat. Also boots and gloves, if you’re to be out for any length of time. It is cold and windy, and as occasionally happens, the weather in Naperville, IL, where we moved from, is warmer today than ours.

On another note, this fantastic and whimsical art piece, which hangs in the girls’ bathroom, is by Brian Andreas, the StoryPeople artist. He has quite a collection of books, cards, framed prints, and other gift items, all with the kind of charming sentiments that make you want to be a better person. They are overwhelmingly hopeful and kind. Two of my favorites are these:


I also have this StoryPeople wrist wrap, which was discontinued for a while. It has the same quote on it as the framed card on the left….my #1 favorite, for obvious reasons. I was excited to see that the StoryPeople website is offering some new wrist wrap designs for this holiday season.


I have a few of Brian Andreas’s books, too, although it’s been years since I’ve read them. This post makes me excited to go back through the books and find more favorite quotes of his.


Like this one, that I have framed in our apartment:


Don’t you feel hopeful after that? Even if you have to wear a coat today?